24 thoughts on “K2 smartforms and SharePoint Single Sign On

  1. can i access k2 worklist with FBA Authentication on different zone( internet zone and intranet zone) .

    • Yes, with FBA authentication for SharePoint and K2 you’ll use Claims Based Authentication. Once you configured the K2 server for claims support you can use the K2 worklist web part as normal. The zone is not of any interest when using FBA.

      • Thank you very much ,
        can i follow the step that you mention in your blog… actually i am new in k2.

  2. Hey! Very nice post. I still have a question. Is it possible to implement this to work with ADAM authentication? I want to add smartforms to sharepoint, and everything being authenticated via ADAM… I already authenticate in sharepoint via ADAM, but K2 still uses AD (windows) authentication… I would really appreciate some help. Thank you in advance.

    • Hi Gadael,

      If you want to use a custom authentication method you should first implement a K2 security provider for the K2 blackpearl platform that leverages this custom authentication method. This custom security provider will have it’s own security label. Then you can configure K2 smartforms Forms Based Authentication on a runtime site and specify which security labels are allowed for login (by default the login form tries to login for all configured security providers on the K2 platform).



    • Hi Arif,

      I think they are still working on migration of the old K2 Underground to the new K2 Community site. Will check with K2 and upload again if needed. Thanks for the notification!



      • Hi Arif,

        It’s available again. Both the source code (version 2 file) and the solution package (version 1 file).

        Best regards,

  3. Hi! firstly, great article. now the question! I have tried the above using asp.net and smartforms but after logging in through the asp.net form and redirected to the smartforms page, i am presented with the smartforms forms authentication page.

    I have successfully setup the asp.net forms and the K2 smartforms to authenticate against my own SQL table and both can log in successfully individually but when i tried to setup a SSO, i am not able to get the SSO working, i am using BP 4.6.10. I can see the cookies being generated, but it does not looks like the K2 smartforms is reading it, any suggestions?



    • Hi Daniel,

      Thanks for the comment. I have tried this solution a while ago on 4.6.9 and higher (smartforms 1.0.6 and higher). But since the introduction of the K2 Security Token Service (for Windows and Forms authentication) this solution doesn’t work anymore.

      The best way to create a custom login solution like this is a custom Security Token Service. Visual Studio has templates for this and it’s pretty easy to implement. Then you configure a Claims provider for your Custom STS: K2 Authentication Management Settings.

      Hope it helps.



  4. I have configured k2 smartform and sharepoint at 2 different server and using window authentication for SSO. However, there are some client PCs have not join domain yet. They would like to login sharepoint and dont need to login k2 one more time.
    What is your advice ?

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